Dec 24, 2010

Winter Relief Success

The campaign i mentioned in my previous post was a total HIT!!!!

i will soon post the pictures

time for me to work on a new program... thanks for the support people :)

Nov 26, 2010

Winter Relief

This campaign is a simple answer to a recurrent but often ignored problem. Many people die needlessly every year due to cold simply because they don't have sufficient clothes.

AND what we call for is only the extra clothes lying waste in our wardrobes. It's a valuable resource for those who have none. Even if each person involved in the campaign gives out just one old shirt/jacket/shawl/blanket/sari/tee/trousers/shorts/sweaters we will be able to provide for thousands of people on the streets!!

while we keep crying 'cold ...cold' wearing so many woolens and under the covered house, there are so many people who are spending the nights under the open sky with very few clothes/woolens

Yes.the campaign still has a lot of scope for growth. And this is where we need YOU -

* Help us collect more and more clothes by giving us your old ones.

It is YOUR participation in our work that can truly help in 'Making Clothing a Matter of Concern'

Collection centers in MUMBAI..DELHI and JAIPUR
for more info get in touch with me ...

Last date of donation 10th DECEMBER 2010